1 GB/T 1782-1989 广播录音磁带的盘芯和带盘 Hub and reol spool of broadcast audio tape
2 GB/T 7987-1987 搪玻璃层耐温差急变性试验方法 Test methods for thermal shock resistance of glass-lined layer
3 GB/T 7988-1987 搪玻璃釉耐热氢氧化钠溶液腐蚀性能的测定 Determination of resistance to hot sodium hydroxide of vitreous enamel
4 GB/T 7989-1987 搪玻璃釉耐沸腾盐酸腐蚀性能的测定 Determination of resistance to boiling hydrochloric acid of vitreous enamel
5 GB/T 7990-1987 搪玻璃层耐机械冲击试验方法 Impact test method of glass-lined layer
6 GB/T 7991-1987 搪玻璃层的厚度测量 电磁法 Method for measuring the thicknees of glass-lined layer by electromagnetic meter
7 GB/T 7993-1987 用在腐蚀条件下的搪玻璃设备的高电压试验方法 Test method of glass-lined equipment for service under corrosive conditions by high voltage
8 GB/T 7994-1987 搪玻璃设备水压试验方法 Hydraulic pressure test of glass-lined equipments
9 GB/T 7995-1987 搪玻璃设备气密性试验方法 Air seal test method of glass-lined equipments
10 GB/T 7996-1987 搪玻璃容器公称容积与公称直径 Nominal volume and nominal diameter for glass-lined vessel
11 GB/T 9707-1988 密闭式炼胶机 炼塑机技术条件 Technical conditions for rubber and plastics internal mixer
12 GB 9842-1988 尿素合成塔 技术条件 Specifications for urea reactor
13 GB 9843-1988 尿素高压洗涤器 技术条件 Specifications for H.P urea scrubber
14 GB 10476-1989 尿素高压冷凝器技术条件 Specifications for urea high pressure condenser
15 GB/T 10902-1989 塑料混合机 Plastics mixer machines
16 GB/T 10903-1989 塑料混合机 检测方法 Check method of mixer for plastics
17 GB 11638-1989 溶解乙炔气瓶 Dissolved acetylene cylinders
18 GB 11639-1989 溶解乙炔气瓶多孔填料技术指标测定方法 Methods of test for porous mass of dissolved acetylene cylinders
19 GB 11640-1989 铝合金无缝气瓶 Seamless aluuminium alloy gas cylinder
20 GB/T 11849-1989 重水罐 Heavy water tank
21 GB/T 12783-1991 橡胶塑料机械产品型号编制方法 Editorial nominating method for the model
designation of rubber and plastics machinery
22 GB/T 12784-1991 橡胶塑料加压式捏炼机 Dispersion mixer for rubber and plastics
23 GB/T 13465.1-1992 不透性石墨材料力学性能试验方法总则 General rules for test methods of mechanical properties of impermeable graphite materials
24 GB/T 13465.2-1992 不透性石墨材料抗弯强度试验方法 Test method for flexure strength of impermeable graphite materials
25 GB/T 13465.3-1992 不透性石墨材料抗压强度试验方法 Test method for compressive strength of impermeable graphite meterials
26 GB/T 13465.4-1992 不透性石墨材料冲击试验方法 Method for impact testing of impermeable graphite materials
27 GB/T 13577-1992 开放式炼胶机炼塑机 Mill for rubber and plastics
28 GB/T 13578-1992 橡胶塑料压延机 Rubber and plactics calender
29 GB/T 13579-1992 轮胎定型硫化机 Tyre shaping and curing press