1 GB/T 3535-1983 石油倾点测定法 Petroleum oils--Determination of pour point
2 GB/T 9109.1-1988 原油动态计量 一般原则 Dynamic measurement of crude oil--General principles
3 GB/T 9109.2-1988 原油动态计量 容积式流量计安装技术规定 Dynamic measurement of crude oil--Technical requirement of displacement meter installation
4 GB/T 9109.3-1988 原油动态计量 固定式标准体积管安装技术规定 Dynamic measurement of crude oil--Technical stipulations of installation for fixed pipe provers
5 GB/T 9109.4-1988 原油动态计量 用标准体积管检定容积式流量计的操作规定 Dynamic measurement of crude oil--Operating stipulations of verificating positive displacement meters by pipe prover
6 GB/T 9109.5-1988 原油动态计量 油量计量 Dynamic measurement of crude oil--Calculation of oil quantities
7 GB/T 9110-1988 原油立式金属罐计量 油量计量方法 Crude oil vertical metal tank measurement--Method of calculation of quantities
8 GB 11085-1989 散装液态石油产品损耗 Loss of bulk petroleum liquid products
9 GB/T 12692.4-1992 石油产品 燃料(F类) 分类 第四部分: 液化石油气(L组) Petroleum product--Fuel (class F) Classification—Part 4: Liquefied petroleum gases (family L)
10 GB/T 13235.1-1991 石油和液体石油产品 立式圆筒形金属油罐容积标定法 (围尺法) Petroleum and liquid petroleum products—Volumetric calibration of vertical cylindrical metal tanks—Strapping method
11 GB/T 13235.2-1991 石油和液体石油产品 立式圆筒形金属油罐容积标定法 (光学参比线法) Petroleum and liquid petroleum products—Volumetric calibration of vertical cylindrical metal tanks—Optical reference line method
12 GB/T 13235.3-1995 石油和液体石油产品立式圆筒形金属油罐容积标定法(光电内测距法) Petroleum and liquid petroleum products--Volumetric calibration of vertical cylindrical metal tanks--Electro-optical distance-ranging internal method
13 GB 13236-1991 石油用量油尺和钢围尺技术条件 Dip-tapes and steel strapping tapes for petroleum—Specification
14 GB/T 13894-1992 石油和液体石油产品液位测量法(手工法) Petroleum and liquid petroleum products--Measurement of liquid level in tank--Manual method
15 GB/T 15281-1994 中国油、气田名称代码 Codes for names of oil and gas fields of China
16 GB/T 16792-1997 中国含油气盆地及次级构造单元名称代码 Cords for name of petroltferous basin and inferior tectonic unit of china
17 GB/T 16805-1997 液体石油管道压力试验 Pressure testing of liquid petroleum pipelines
18 GB/T 1885-1998 石油计量表 Petroleum measurement tables
19 GB/T 17605-1998 石油和液体石油产品卧式圆筒形金属油罐容积标定法(手工法) Petroleum and liquid petroleum products--Volumetric calibration of horizontal cylindrical metal tanks(Manual methods)