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1 GB/T 1658-1982 增塑剂灰分的测定 Determination of ash of plasticizers

2 GB/T 1659-1982 增塑剂水分的测定 (比浊法) Determination of water content of plasticizers by turbidimetry

3 GB/T 1660-1982 增塑剂运动粘度的测定 (品氏法) Measuring method for kinematic viscosity of plasticizers (Pinkevitch method)

4 GB/T 1661-1982 增塑剂运动粘度的测定 (恩氏法) Measuring method for kinematic viscosity of plasticizers (Engler method)

5 GB/T 1662-1981 增塑剂结晶点的测定 Determinating the crystalization point of plasticizer

6 GB/T 1663-1982 增塑剂凝固点的测定 Testing method for freezing point of plasticizers

7 GB/T 1664-1995 增塑剂外观色度的测定 Plasticizers--Determination of colour

8 GB/T 1665-1995 增塑剂皂化值及酯含量的测定 Plasticizers--Determination of saponification value and ester-content

9 GB/T 1668-1995 增塑剂酸值及酸度的测定 Plasticizers--Determination of acid value and acidity

10 GB/T 1669-1988 增塑剂加热减量的测定 Plasticizers--Determination of mass loss on heating

11 GB/T 1670-1988 增塑剂热稳定性试验 Plasticizers--Test method of heat-resistance

12 GB/T 1671-1988 增塑剂闪点的测定 克利夫兰德开口杯法 Plasticizers--Determination of flash point--Cleveland open cup method

13 GB/T 1672-1988 液体增塑剂体积电阻率的测定 Liquid plasticizers--Determination of volume resisti vity

14 GB/T 1676-1981 增塑剂碘值的测定 Determinating the iodine value of plasticizers

15 GB/T 1677-1981 增塑剂环氧值的测定 (盐酸-丙酮法) Determination of the epoxy value of plasticizers (acetone-hydrochloride method)

16 GB/T 1678-1981 增塑剂环氧值的测定 (盐酸-吡啶法) Determination of the epoxy value of plasticizers (pyridine-hydrochloride method)

17 GB 4482-1993 净水剂氯化铁 Water clarifying agent--Ferric chloride

18 GB/T 5327-1985 表面活性剂名词术语 Surface active agents--Terms

19 GB/T 5328-1985 表面活性剂简化分类 Surface active agents--Simplified classification

20 GB/T 5549-1990 表面活性剂 用拉起液膜法测定表面张力 Surface active agents-Determination of surface tension by drawing up liquid films

21 GB/T 5551-1992 表面活性剂 分散剂中钙、镁总含量的测定方法 Surface active agents--Method for determination of total calcium and magnesium content in dispersing agents

22 GB/T 5553-1985 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 防水剂防水力测定法 静水压测试法 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--Method for determination of water repellency of waterprooting agents--Hydrostatic pressure test

23 GB/T 5554-1985 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 防水剂防水力测定法 淋水测试法 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--method for determination of water repellency of waterprooting agents--Spray test

24 GB/T 5555-1985 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 耐酸性测定法 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--Method for determination of acid stability

25 GB/T 5556-1985 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 耐碱性测定法 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--Method for determination of alkaline stability

26 GB/T 5558-1985 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 丝光浴润湿力测定法 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--Method for determination of wetting power in mercerising bath

27 GB/T 5559-1993 环氧乙烷型及环氧乙烷- 环氧丙烷嵌段聚合型非离子表面活性剂 浊点的测定 Non-ionic surface active agents obtained from ethylene oxide and ethylene oxide/propylene oxide block copolymers--Determination of cloud point

28 GB/T 5560-1985 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 聚乙二醇型非离子表面活性剂 活性物及聚乙二醇含量的测定法 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--Method for determination of active ingredients and polyethylene glycol contents in non-ionic polyoxyethylene type surface active agents

29 GB/T 5561-1994 表面活性剂 用旋转式粘度计测定粘度和流动性质的方法 Surface active agents--Determination of viscosity and flow properties using a rotational viscometer

30 GB/T 6286-1986 分子筛堆积密度测定方法 Determination of bulk density for molecular sieve

31 GB/T 6287-1986 分子筛静态水吸附测定方法 Determination of static adsorbed water for molecular sieve

32 GB/T 6288-1986 粒状分子筛粒度测定方法 Determination of particle size for granular molecular sieve

33 GB/T 6365-1986 表面活性剂 游离碱度或游离酸度的测定 滴定法 Surface active agents--Determination of free alkalinity or free acidity--Titrimetric method

34 GB/T 6366-1992 表面活性剂 无机硫酸盐含量的测定 滴定法 Surface active agents--Determiation of mineral sulfate content--Titrimetric method

35 GB/T 6368-1993 表面活性剂 水溶液pH值的测定 电位法 Surface active agents--Determination of pH of aqueous solutions--Potentiometric method

36 GB/T 6369-1986 表面活性剂 乳化力的测定 比色法 Surface active agents--Measurement of emulsifying power--Colorimetric method

37 GB/T 6370-1996 表面活性剂 阴离子表面活性剂 水中溶解度的测定 Surface active agents--Anionic surface active agents--Determination of solubility in water

38 GB/T 6371-1995 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 洗涤力的测定 Surface active agents--Textile auxiliaries--Determination of detergency

39 GB/T 6372-1986 表面活性剂和洗涤剂 粉状样品分样法 Surface active agents and detergents--Division of powder sample

40 GB/T 6373-1986 表面活性剂 粉状物的表观密度测定法 Surface active agents--Determination of apparent density of a powder

41 GB/T 7378-1996 表面活性剂 碱度的测定 滴定法 Surface active agents--Determination of alkalinity--Titrimetric method

42 GB/T 7379-1987 表面活性剂 浆状物在灌装时表观密度的测定 Surface active agents--Determination of apparent density of pastes on filling

43 GB/T 7380-1995 表面活性剂和洗涤剂 含水量的测定 卡尔·费休法 Surface actiue agents and detergents--Determination of water content--Karl Fischer method

44 GB/T 7381-1993 表面活性剂 在硬水中稳定性的测定 Surface active agents--Determination of stability in hard water

45 GB/T 7384-1996 非离子表面活性剂 聚乙氧基化衍生物 羟值的测定 乙酐法 Non-ionic surface active agents--Polyethoxylated derivatives--Determination of hydroxyl value--Acetic anhydride method

46 GB/T 7385-1994 非离子型表面活性剂 聚乙氧基化衍生物中氧乙烯基含量的测定 碘量法 Non-ionic Surface active agents--Polyethoxylated derivatives--Iodometric determination of oxyethylene groups

47 GB/T 7462-1994 表面活性剂 发泡力的测定 改进Ross-Miles法 Surface active agents--Measurement of foaming power--Modified Ross-miles method

48 GB/T 8447-1995 工业直链烷基苯磺酸 Industrial linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid

49 GB/T 8770-1988 分子筛动态水吸附测定方法 Determination of dynamic adsorbed water for molecular sieve

50 GB/T 8826-1988 防老剂RD Antioxidant RD

51 GB/T 8827-1988 防老剂甲 Antioxidant A

52 GB/T 8828-1988 防老剂4010NA Antioxidant 4010NA

53 GB/T 8829-1988 硫化促进剂 NOBS (N-氧二乙撑-2-苯骈噻唑次磺酰胺) Vulcanization accelerator NOBS (N-oxydiethylene-2-benzothiazyl sulfenamide)

54 GB/T 9291-1988 表面活性剂 高温条件下分散染料染聚酯织物用匀染剂的抑染作用测试法 Surface active agents--Method of testing of the restraining effect of levelling agents for disperse dyes on dyeing polyester textiles under high temperature conditions

55 GB/T 9292-1988 表面活性剂 高温条件下分散染料染聚酯织物用匀染剂的移染性测试法 Surface active agents--Method of testing of the migration action of levelling agents for disperse dyes on dyeing polyester textiles under high temperature condition

56 GB/T 10240-1988 电声产品声音质量主观评价用节目源编辑制作规范 Specifications for the editing and production of programme source for subjective assessment of sound quality of electro-acoustic products

57 GB/T 10504-1989 3A 分子筛 Molecular sieve 3A

58 GB/T 10505.1-1989 3A分子筛抗压碎强度测定方法 Determination of granular crush-strength for molecular sieve 3A

59 GB/T 10505.2-1989 3A分子筛磨耗率测定方法 Determination of abrasion for molecular sieve 3A

60 GB/T 10505.3-1989 3A分子筛静态乙烯和氮气吸附测定方法 Determination of static absorbed ethene and nitrogen for molecular sieve 3A

61 GB/T 10505.4-1989 3A分子筛包装品含水量测定方法 Determination of water content for packaged molecular sieve 3A

62 GB 10531-1989 水处理剂 硫酸亚铁 Water treatment chemicals-Ferrous sulphate

63 GB/T 10533-1989 水处理剂 聚丙烯酸 Water treatment chemicals-Polyacrylic acid

64 GB/T 10661-1996 荧光增白剂VBL Fluorescent whitening agent VBL

65 GB/T 11275-1995 表面活性剂和肥皂 含水量的测定 共沸蒸馏法 Surface active agents and soaps--Determination of water content--Azeotropic distillation method

66 GB/T 11276-1989 阳离子表面活性剂(氢氯化物和氢溴化物)临界胶束浓度的测定 反离子活度测量法 Cationic surface active agents (hydrochlorides and hydrobromides)-Determination of critical micellization concentration-Method by measurement of counter ion activity

67 GB/T 11277-1989 表面活性剂 非离子表面活性剂 浊点指数(水数)的测定 容量法 Surface active agents-Non-ionic surface active agents-Determination of cloud point index (water number)-Volumetric method

68 GB/T 11278-1989 阴离子和非离子表面活性剂 临界胶束浓度的测定 圆圆环测定表面张力法 Anionic and non-ionic active agents-Determination of the critical micellization concentration-Method by measuring surface tension with ring

69 GB/T 11405-1989 工业邻苯二甲酸二丁酯 Dibutylphthalate for industrial use

70 GB/T 11406-1989 工业邻苯二甲酸二辛酯 Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate for industrial use

71 GB/T 11407-1989 硫化促进剂 M Vulcanizing accelerator M

72 GB/T 11408-1989 硫化促进剂 DM Vulcanizing accelerator DM

73 GB/T 11409.1-1995 橡胶防老剂、硫化促进剂 熔点测定方法 Test method of fusion point for rubber antiagers and vulcanizing accelerators

74 GB/T 11409.2-1995 橡胶防老剂、硫化促进剂 结晶点测定方法 Test method of crystallizing point for rubber antiagers and vulcanizing accelerators

75 GB/T 11409.3-1989 橡胶防老剂、硫化促进剂软化点的测定方法 Test method of softening point for rubber antiagers and vulcanizing accelerators

76 GB/T 11409.4-1989 橡胶防老剂、硫化促进剂加热减量的测定方法 Test method of weight loss on heating for rubber antiagers and vulcanizing accelerators

77 GB/T 11409.5-1989 橡胶防老剂、硫化促进剂筛余物的测定方法 Test method of residue on sieve for rubber antiagers and vulcanizing accelerators

78 GB/T 11409.6-1989 橡胶防老剂、硫化促进剂表观密度的测定 Test method of apparent density for rubber antiagers and vulcanizing accelerators

79 GB/T 11409.7-1989 橡胶防老剂、硫化促进剂灰分的测定方法 Test method of ash for rubber antiagers and vulcanizing accelerators

80 GB/T 11409.8-1989 橡胶防老剂、硫化促进剂粘度的测定方法 旋转粘度计法 Test method of viscosity for rubber antiagers and vulcanizing accelerators--Rotational viscometer method

81 GB/T 11409.9-1989 橡胶防老剂、硫化促进剂盐酸不溶物含量的测定方法 Test method of insoluble matter in hydrochloric acid for rubber antiagers and vulcanizing accelerators

82 GB/T 11543-1989 表面活性剂 中、高粘度乳液的特性测试及其乳化能力的评定方法 Surface active agents-The identification of emulsions of moderate to high viscosity and the method of evaluation of their capability of emulsifying

83 GB/T 11983-1989 表面活性剂 润湿力的测定 浸没法 Surface active agents-Determination of wetting power by immersion

84 GB/T 11985-1989 表面活性剂 界面张力的测定 滴体积法 Surface active agents-Determination of interfacial tension-Drop volume method

85 GB/T 11986-1989 表面活性剂 粉体和颗粒休止角的测量 Surface active agents-Powders and Granules-Measurement of the angle of repose

86 GB/T 11987-1989 表面活性剂 工业烷烃磺酸盐 总烷烃磺酸盐含量的测定 Surface active agent-Technical alkane sulphonates-Determination of total alkane sulphonates content

87 GB/T 11988-1989 表面活性剂 工业烷烃磺酸盐 烷烃单磺酸盐平均相对分子量及含量的测定 Surface active agent--Technical alkane sulfonates--Determination of mean relative molecular mass and content of alkane monosulfonates

88 GB/T 11989-1989 阴离子表面活性剂 石油醚溶解物含量的测定 Anionic surface active agents-Determination of soluble matter content in light petroleum

89 GB/T 12028-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠 Sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents
90 GB/T 12029.1-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠水分及挥发物的测定 Determination of moisture and volatile content of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents

91 GB/T 12029.2-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠粘度的测定 Determination of viscosity of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents

92 GB/T 12029.3-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠 pH 值的测定(电位法) Determination of pH of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents (Potentiometric method)

93 GB/T 12029.4-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠醚化度的测定 Determination of degree of etherification of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents

94 GB/T 12029.5-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠纯度的测定 Determination of purity of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents

95 GB/T 12029.6-1989 洗涤剂用羧甲基纤维素钠的筛分试验 Test sieving of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for detergents

96 GB/T 13529-1992 乙氧基化烷基硫酸钠 Sodium ethoxylated alkyl sulfate

97 GB/T 13530.1-1992 乙氧基化烷基硫酸钠 总活性物含量的测定 Sodium ethoxylated alkyl sulfate-Determination of total active matter content

98 GB/T 13530.2-1992 乙氧基化烷基硫酸钠 未硫酸化物含量的测定 Sodium ethoxylated alkyl sulfate-Determination of unsulfated matter content

99 GB/T 13530.3-1992 乙氧基化烷基硫酸钠 平均相对分子量的测定 Sodium ethoxylated alkyl sulfate-Determination of the mean relative molecular mass

100 GB/T 13550-1992 5A分子筛及其试验方法 Molecular sieve 5A and its determination

101 GB/T 13689-1992 工业循环冷却水中铜的测定 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠分光光度法 Industrial circulating cooling water-Determination of copper-Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate spectrophotometric method

102 GB/T 13892-1992 表面活性剂 碘值的测定 Surface active agents--Determination of iodine value

103 GB 14591-1993 净水剂 聚合硫酸铁 Water clarfying agent--Polymeric ferric sulfate

104 GB/T 14636-1993 工业循环冷却水中钙含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of calcium--Atomic absorption spectrometric method

105 GB/T 14637.1-1993 工业循环冷却水中锌含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of zinc--Atomic absorption spectrometric method

106 GB/T 14637.2-1993 工业循环冷却水水垢中锌的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Scale in industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of zinc--Atomic absorption spectrometric method

107 GB/T 14638.1-1993 工业循环冷却水中铜含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of copper--Atomic absorption spectrometric method

108 GB/T 14638.2-1993 工业循环冷却水水垢中铜的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Scale in industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of copper--Atomic absorption spectrometric method

109 GB/T 14639-1993 工业循环冷却水中镁含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of magnesium--Atomic absorption spectrometric method

110 GB/T 14640-1993 工业循环冷却水中钾含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of potassium--Atomic absorption spectrometric method

111 GB/T 14641-1993 工业循环冷却水中钠含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of sodium--Atomic absorption spectrometric method

112 GB/T 14642-1993 工业循环冷却水及锅炉水中氟、氯、磷酸根、亚硝酸根、硝酸根和硫酸根的测定 离子色谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water and boiler water--Determination of fluoride, chloride, phosphate, nitrile, nitrate and sulfate--Ion chromatography

113 GB/T 14643.1-1993 工业循环冷却水中粘液形成菌的测定 平皿计数法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Examination of bacteria formed deposits--Standard of plate count

114 GB/T 14643.2-1993 工业循环冷却水中土壤菌群的测定 平皿计数法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Examination of soil micro-bioti--Standard of plate count

115 GB/T 14643.3-1993 工业循环冷却水中粘泥真菌的测定 平皿计数法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Examination of slime formed fungi--Standard of plate count

116 GB/T 14643.4-1993 工业循环冷却水中土壤真菌的测定 平皿计数法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Examination of soil fangi--Srandard of plate count

117 GB/T 14643.5-1993 工业循环冷却水中硫酸盐还原菌的测定 MPN法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Sulfate-reducing bacteria--MPN test

118 GB/T 14643.6-1993 工业循环冷却水中铁细菌的测定 MPN法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Examination of iron bacteria--MPN test

119 GB/T 15046-1994 脂肪酰二乙醇胺 Fatty diethanol amide

120 GB/T 15357-1994 表面活性剂和洗涤剂 旋转粘度计测定液体产品的粘度 Surface active agents and detergents--Determination of viscosity of liquid products using a rotational viscometer

121 GB/T 15451-1995 工业循环冷却水中碱度的测定 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of alkalinity

122 GB/T 15452-1995 工业循环冷却水中钙、镁离子的测定 EDTA滴定法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of calcium and magnesium-- EDTA titration method

123 GB/T 15453-1995 工业循环冷却水中氯离子的测定 硝酸银滴定法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of chloride--Silver nitrate titration method

124 GB/T 15454-1995 工业循环冷却水中钠、铵、钾、镁和钙离子的测定 离子色谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of sodium, ammonium, potassium, magnesium and calcium--Ions chromatography

125 GB/T 15455-1995 工业循环冷却水中溶解氧的测定 碘量法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of dissolved oxygen--Iodimetry

126 GB/T 15456-1995 工业循环冷却水中需氧量(COD)的测定 高锰酸钾法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of the chemical oxygen demand --Potassium permanganate method

127 GB/T 15818-1995 阴离子和非离子表面活性剂 生物降解度试验方法 Testing method for biodegradability of anionic and nonionic surfactants

128 GB 15892-1995 水处理剂 聚合氯化铝 Water treatment chemicals--Poly aluminium chloride

129 GB/T 15893.1-1995 工业循环冷却水中浊度的测定 散射光法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of turbidity--Diffused radiation method

130 GB/T 15893.2-1995 工业循环冷却水中pH值的测定 电位法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of pH--Electrometric method

131 GB/T 15893.3-1995 工业循环冷却水中硫酸盐的测定 重量法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of sulfate--Gravimetric method

132 GB/T 15916-1995 表面活性剂 螯合剂含量的测定 滴定法 Surface active agents--Determination of chelating agent content--Titrimetric method

133 GB/T 15963-1995 十二烷基硫酸钠 Sodium lauryl sulfate

134 GB/T 16497-1996 表面活性剂 油包水乳液稳定性试验方法 第1部分:油包水乳液贮藏稳定性的测定 烘箱法 Surface active agents--Test method for stability of water-in-oil emulsion--Part 1: Determination of storage stability of water-in-oil emulsion--Oven method

135 GB/T 16498-1996 表面活性剂 油包水乳液稳定性试验方法 第2部分: 油包水乳液贮藏稳定性的测定 低温至室温循环法 Surface active agents--Test method for stability of water-in-oil emulsion--Part 2:
Determination of storage stability of water-in-oil emulsion--Low to ambient temperature cycling method

136 GB/T 16632-1996 水处理剂阻垢性能的测定 碳酸钙沉积法 Determination of scale inhibition performance of water treatment agents--Calcium carbonate precipitation method

137 GB/T 16633-1996 工业循环冷却水中二氧化硅含量的测定 分光光度法 Industrial circulating cooling water Determination of silica--Spectrophotometric method

138 GB/T 16634-1996 工业循环冷却水用磷锌预膜液中锌含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of zinc for phosphous-zinc prefilming fluid--Atomic absorption spectrometric method

139 GB/T 16635-1996 工业循环冷却水用磷锌预膜液中钙含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of calcium for phosphorus-zinc prefilming fluid--Atomic absorption spectrometric method

140 GB/T 16642-1996 计算机集成制造系统体系结构 Computer integrated manufacturing system architecture

141 GB/T 16881-1997 水的混凝、絮凝杯罐试验方法 Coagulation--Flocculation jar test of water

142 GB/T 10535-1997 水处理剂 水解聚马来酸酐 Water treatment chemicals--Hydrolyzed polymaleic anhydride

143 GB/T 17041-1997 表面活性剂 乙氧基化醇和烷基酚硫酸盐 活性物质总含量的测定 Surface active agents--Sulfated ethoxylated alcohols and alkylphenols--Determination of total active matter content

144 GB/T 6367-1997 表面活性剂 已知钙硬度水的制备 Surface active agents--Preparation of water with known calcium hardness

145 GB/T 7383-1997 非离子表面活性剂 聚烷氧基化衍生物 羟值的测定 邻苯二甲酸酐法 Non-ionic surface active agents--Polyalkoxylated derivatives--Determination of hydroxyl value--Phthalic anhydride method

146 GB 17514-1998 水处理剂 聚丙烯酰胺 Water treatment chemicals--Polyacrylamide

147 GB/T 5550-1998 表面活性剂 分散力测定方法 Surface active agents Determination of dispersing power

148 GB/T 17752-1999 汽车燃油节能添加剂试验评定方法 Test and evaluation methods on fuel-saving additives of Auto-Fuel

149 GB/T 17753-1999 汽车发动机润滑油节能添加剂试验评定方法 Test and evaluation methods on fuel-saving additives of Auto-Engine Oil

作者:佚名 来源:中国工程建设网 发布时间:2005年06月09日
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