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1 GB/T 3839-1983 制订地方水污染物排放标准的技术原则与方法 Technological principle and methods for enactment of local water pollutant emission standard

2 GB/T 3840-1991 制定地方大气污染物排放标准的技术方法 Technical methods for making local emission standards of air pollutants

3 GB 8702-1988 电磁辐射防护规定 Regulations for electromagnetic radiation protection
4 GB 8703-1988 辐射防护规定 Regulations for radiation protection

5 GB 9132-1988 低中水平放射性固体废物的浅地层处置规定 Regulations for shallow ground disposal of solid low-and intermediate-level radioactive wastes

6 GB 9133-1995 放射性废物的分类 Classification of radioactive waste

7 GB 9134-1988 轻水堆核电厂放射性固体废物处理系统技术规定 The technical rules about solid radioactive waste processing system for light water reactor plants

8 GB 9135-1988 轻水堆核电厂放射性废液处理系统技术规定 The technical rules about radioactive waste processing system for light water reactor plants

9 GB 9136-1988 轻水堆核电厂放射性废气处理系统技术规定 The technical rules about gaseous redioactive waste processing system for light water reacter plants

10 GB/T 14529-1993 自然保护区类型与级别划分原则 Principle for categories and grades of nature reserves

11 GB 14585-1993 铀、钍矿冶放射性废物安全管理技术规定 Regulations for safe management of radioactive wastes from the mining and milling of uranium and thorium ores

12 GB 14586-1993 铀矿冶设施退役环境管理技术规定 Technical regulations for the environmental management of decommissioning of uranium mining and milling facilities

13 GB 14587-1993 轻水堆核电厂放射性废水排放系统技术规定 Technical rules for discharge system of radioactive waste water from LWR nuclear power plant

14 GB 14588-1993 反应堆退役环境管理技术规定 Technical regulations for environmental management of reactor decommissioning

15 GB 14589-1993 核电厂低、中水平放射性固体废物暂时贮存技术规定 Technical rules for interim storage of low and intermediate level solid radioactive waste from nuclear power plant

16 GB 15562.1-1995 环境保护图形标志 排放口(源) Graphical signs for environmental protection--Discharge outlet(source)

17 GB 15562.2-1995 环境保护图形标志 固体废物堆放(填埋)场 Graphical signs for environmental protectior--Solid waste storage (disposal) site

18 GB/T 15950-1995 低、中水平放射性废物近地表处置场环境辐射监测的一般要求 General requirements for environmental radiation monitoring around near surface disposal site of low-intermediate level radioactive solid waste

19 GB/T 16705-1996 环境污染类别代码 Codes for environmental pollution categories

20 GB/T 16706-1996 环境污染源类别代码 Codes for environmental pollution source categories
21 GB/T 24001-1996 环境管理体系 规范及使用指南 Enviromental management systems--Specification with guidance for use

22 GB/T 24004-1996 环境管理体系 原则、体系和支持技术通用指南 Environmental management systems--General guidelines on principles,systems and supporting techniques

23 GB/T 24010-1996 环境审核指南 通用原则 Guidelines for environmental auditing--General principles

24 GB/T 24011-1996 环境审核指南 审核程序 环境管理体系审核 Guidelines for environmental auditing--Audit procedures--Auditing of environmental managment systems

25 GB/T 24012-1996 环境审核指南 环境审核员资格要求 Guidelines for environmental auditing--Qualification criteria for environmental auditors

26 GB/T 17504-1998 海洋自然保护区类型与级别划分原则 Principle for classification of marine nature reserves

27 GB/T 24040-1999 环境管理 生命周期评价 原则与框架 Environmental management life cycle assessment principles and frameworks

作者:佚名 来源:中国工程建设网 发布时间:2005年06月08日
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