IEC首席执行官兼秘书长罗尼.阿米特宣布活动启动。阿米特说:“虽然譬如像世界贸易组织这样的机构承认国际标准所扮演的角色和重要性时,但是从理论层面上解释它们对商业的重要性的工作做得还很少。通过“IEC百年挑战”活动,我们希望能脱颖而出一批前沿的理论和深度分析国际标准对经济影响的论文。” 合格论文将送交评判团评判,评判团由商业界、学术界、政府部门和媒体单位的杰出的知名人士组成,他们是:
活动的一、二、三名的奖金分别为15000美元、5000美元和2000美元。 “IEC百年挑战”活动欢迎所有与学院有关的人员参加,包括大学教师,教授,系主任,教学和研究小组。每个学院允许多条申报。 登记表、规则和更详细地信息可以从网上获得,网址是。登记时间从2005年10月21日中午(欧洲中部夏令时)开始到2006年3月3日星期五午夜(欧洲中部夏令时)结束。最终论文必须于2006年9月1日星期五午夜(欧洲中部夏令时)前通过“IEC百年挑战”网站提交。颁奖典礼将于2006年12月14日在伦敦的英国电气工程师学会的Savoy Place举行。 IEC将于2006年庆祝它的百年华诞,并与《经济学人》以及世界一流专业工程机构英国电气工程师学会、美国电气及电子工程师学会和德国电器工程师协会合作,组织论文竞赛。 关于IEC 关于合作者们 英国电气工程师学会IEE: IEE是一个创新的国际化组织,它在全球范围内拥有12万会员。成员包括从普通学生到知名专家会员。会员间协同工作,共同推进电子、电气、制造科学、前沿技术和工程技术的进步。IEE将向它的12万会员推荐“IEC百年挑战”活动,并将于2006年12月14日在伦敦主持颁奖典礼。( 美国电气及电子工程师学会IEEE:IEEE拥有超过36万会员,覆盖达约174个国家。通过它的会员,该组织引领的领域从航空、计算机和电讯到生物医学、电力和电子消费品。该组织同时开展广泛的标准化工作。正是由于IEEE具有高水准的学术水平并在全世界范围内拥有专家会员,它成为“IEC百年挑战”活动的合伙发起人,它将向它全球36万会员中推荐本次竞赛活动。( 德国电气工程师协会VDE: VDE是德国的标准化实体,作为IEC的成员,处理IEC科技领域工作。VDE拥有超过34000会员,由电子及相关行业、信息技术产业、电子器械行业的工程师、科学家、学生、技师和公司以及联邦政府和协会组成。该组织为非营利组织,从事科学工作,标准制定,产品检验和认证。VDE发起“IEC百年挑战”活动并将组织会员积极参与该项工作。( 附原文: IEC CENTENARY CHALLENGE LAUNCHED Announcing the launch, Ronnie Amit, IEC’s CEO and General Secretary, said: “While bodies such as the World Trade Organization acknowledge the role and importance of International Standards, very little work has been done at the academic level to explain their importance for business. With the IEC Centenary Challenge, we hope to bring out the best in today’s thinking on this and generate some incisive analysis about the economic impact of International Standards.” Approved papers will be judged by a panel of eminent, distinguished leaders from business, academia, government and the media. They are:
Prizes of US$ 15 000, US$ 5 000 and US$ 2000 will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, respectively. The IEC Centenary Challenge is open to anyone affiliated with an academic institute, including members of faculty, individual professors, heads of faculty, and teaching or research staff. More than one entry is permitted from each academic institute. All registration forms, rules and further information are available from The IEC, which is celebrating its centenary in 2006, is organizing the competition in partnership with The Economist, and the leading professional engineering bodies – the IEE, IEEE and VDE. About the IEC About the Partners IEE: The IEE is an innovative international organisation with a worldwide membership of 120 000. Its members, who have joined together to promote the advancement of electrical, electronic and manufacturing science, ICT and engineering, range from students to the most distinguished and highly qualified members of the profession. The IEE will be promoting the IEC Centenary Challenge to its 120 000 members and will host the Awards Ceremony in London, UK, on 14 December 2006. ( IEEE: The IEEE has more than 360 000 members in approximately 174 countries. Through its members, the organization is a leading authority on areas ranging from aerospace, computers, and telecommunications to biomedicine, electric power, and consumer electronics, and has an extensive standards development programme. The IEEE, which has a highly developed academic activity and a worldwide network of professional members, is a founding partner of the IEC Centenary Challenge. It will promote the competition among its 360 000 members worldwide. ( VDE: The VDE was the German founding member of the IEC and continues to be the German standardization body which operates within IEC's technological scope. The VDE has more than 34 000 members. Engineers, scientists, students, technicians and companies in the electrical, electronic and information technology industries, the electrical utilities, federal authorities and institutions make up VDE. The not for profit organization combines scientific work, standards setting and product testing as well as certification under one roof. The VDE is sponsoring the IEC Centenary Challenge Commemorative Publication and will be promoting the initiative to its members. ( |